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Children First. Always.

I believe every child in Sarasota County deserves access to the best possible education system. To accomplish this, our children must be the primary focus in all discussions and decisions facing the School Board.

A Great Education Begins At Home

I believe that a great education begins at home. A family that promotes and supports education at home lays the foundation for a child who values and succeeds in the classroom and in life. This is why we must strive to empower, include and encourage all parents to be involved in every aspect of their child's education.  

Common Core & Local Control

I oppose Common Core. I believe that we must eliminate top-down Washington control of our education system and instead, transfer the power to state and local leaders. Rather than focusing on complying with regulations set by Washington bureaucrats, we should focus on the feedback that we receive from Sarasota County teachers, parents, taxpayers and children.

Empower Teachers

I believe Sarasota County is fortunate to have some of the best teachers in the state. We must continue to retain and recruit top-tier teachers who are innovative and focused on providing a world-class education to our children. To do this, we must trust, empower and provide teachers with the resources needed for their classrooms.

We Must Be Good Stewards Of Tax Dollars

I believe we must always remember that the education system is paid for by taxpayers and that the taxpayers worked hard for that money. As a School Board Member, I will utilize my business background to ensure that the taxpayers receive the highest return on investment for every dollar that they have entrusted us with.

Great Schools Are Good For Business! 

I recently spoke to a Realtor and she informed me that the number one question, by far, that she receives from potential home buyers is about school districts. In order to attract new businesses, jobs and residents, Sarasota County must continue to have a top-tier education system. I believe that great schools are a great stimulator of the local economy and I will do everything I can to improve the education system.

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